Jharupdate com: All You Need To Know
In this blog, we are going to talk about the jharupdate com in detail. Further, through this blog, we will provide all the mandatory information about this portal. Hence, stay tuned to this article to get to know each and every fact. Moreover, while we are providing the information we will try to elaborate as much as we can. Come along with us to get a detailed analysis. Continue reading and roll yourself into it.
What is Jharupdate com?
The platform informed and connected with the latest happenings and developments in Jharkhand. They aim to serve as a trustworthy platform where citizens can turn to authentic news and valuable resources about the state. Further, they offer a diverse range of content that caters to the interests and needs of readers.
JAC Class 12 Result 2024 Dates (Jharupdate com)
JAC 12th Exam date 2024 6-Feb to 26-Feb-2024
JAC 12th Science Result 2024 date May-2024
Arts and Commerce result date May-2024
Vocational result Date May-2024
Compartment exam date Aug/Sep 2024
Compartment result date September 2024
Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) is expected to announce the JAC 12th result 2024 for all fields. For instance, Science, Arts, and, commerce streams in May 2024. Further, the board will be going to release the class 12 result 2024 on their official website. Furthermore, students can check their results by using their roll number. the exams were apprehended in the middle of February 6 and 26. However, the previous exams were held between March 14 and April 5, 2023. After that, the board announced their result on May 23, 2023, in the afternoon. The passing percentage was 81.45%.
Highlights of Jharkhand board 12 result 2024 (Jharupdate com)
To pass the 12 exams, students have to achieve a score of 33 per cent. Moreover, the passing marks for grade 12 are 24 out of 70 and 33 out of 100.
The name of the board is Jharkhand Academic Council.
The exam name is the JAC board inter exam.
The resulting name is JAC 12th Result 2024/ JAC Intermediate Result 2024.
The dates of the results are May-2024 for Science and May-2024 for Arts & Commerce.
The mode of the result is online; you can check it out on your mobile device.
The official website is jac.nic.in or jacredults.com, jac.jharkhand.gov.in.
How to check the JAC intermediate result 2024 online?
First of all, visit the official website by typing jacreuslts.com
After that, the homepage will arrive in front of you and tap on the respective streams; commerce, science, and arts.
Thereafter, a log-in window will come in front of yours.
Fill up your roll number that is provided on the admit card.
Then, tap on the submit option.
This time, you will get your results.
Save your result, it might be in the pdf form. Take out the form for your future reference.
What are the details stated in JAC 12th Result 2024? (Jharupdate com)
Roll number and code
Stream of JAC 12th result (Arts/Science/Commerce)
Student’s name
Father’s name
Mother’s name
School/College name
Subjects of JAC Class 12 syllabus 2024 Science
Subject-wise theory and practical marks
Total marks
What is the meaning of the abbreviations in the JAC 12th result? (Jharupdate com)
PAS Pass
U/R Under Regulation
F/L Fail
INC Incomplete
EXP Expelled
F/A Fully Absent
WTH Withheld
INV Invalid
JAC 10th result 2024
The JAC will be going to declare the result of class 10 in the last week of April 2024. As per the notification of JAC, the result will be published by including the marks obtained in both internal and written exams. Further, students can check their results by going to the website that is jharuupdate.com or the official website of the Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC). They can check the result through their roll number, provided in the admit card. The exams were held from 6 February to 26 February 2024. 4.5 lakh students have taken the exams.
How to Download JAC 10th Board Exam Date 2024?
Firstly, open the official website and search the jac.jharkhand.gov.in class 10 2024.
Further, tap on the examination tab and thereafter click on Examination programme.
Tap on the JAC exam programme for class 10.
Then in front of your pdf will appear. Subsequently, click on the download button or you can take a screenshot.
The details that are mentioned in the JAC 10th exams 2024 (Jharupdate com)
Board name
Exam name
OMR sheet distribution timing
Question-Answer Booklet Exam time
Subject names and code
Exam dates and day
Grade system for 10th and 12th exams
Marls Range Grades Explanation
80% And Above A+ Excellent
60% To Less Than 80% A Very Good
45% To Less Than 60% B Good
33% To Less Than 45% C Average
Below 33% D Marginal / Fail

Final words
We have chatted a lot in this article about the Jharupdate com from 10th exams to 12 exams in detail. If you are a student and worried about the result dates, then we have provided you with all the dates above. Surely, this transports us to the end of this article. if you have stretched to this far away by reading beside and establishing it informational then let us know with your comments. Toddles!